At Restoration Church, our vision is to be a community of Christ-followers joining God in his restoration of our neighborhood, our city, and our world. Our mission is to glorify God by making, maturing, and multiplying disciples of Jesus Christ. We can do this through a variety of ways. We gather. We worship. We preach. We love. We equip. We send. Then, we repeat.
Visiting a new church can be intimidating, so we want to make your first visit as worry-free as possible. Here’s what you can typically expect with us at Restoration.
We would love to meet and welcome you. One of our greeters will get some info from you so we can follow up later at your convenience. They will have information about Restoration as well as answer questions you might have when you get here. Our gatherings start at 10:30 but come early for some great coffee!
Check-in only takes a few minutes for first-time guests. We will print out a name tag for all the kids and a pick-up ticket for parents. We've tried to keep it fast, safe and simple! We provide childcare for children that are infants through 3 years of age. You may pick up your child following worship by returning to the nursery. Children ages 4-8 participate in worship until they are dismissed for children’s church. You may pick up your child following worship by returning to Kid's check-in desk.
When the word of Christ dwells in us, it leads to us singing with thankfulness in our hearts to God (Colossians 3:16). All of our worship songs are God-directed (they are sung to God), Jesus-centered (they are founded on Jesus) and congregationally-accessible (they are led by our worship leaders in a way that the whole church can participate).
We have 2 elders who share the teaching schedule. They will talk a lot about Jesus from the Bible, who He is, what He's done and how He still impacts our lives today. The goal for every message is that the Bible uses the pastor to preach its message, not the pastor using the Bible to preach his message. We use the Christian Standard Version of the Bible. If you don't have that version we'll give you a free one as our gift so you can follow along.
We need God’s help for everything, and we acknowledge this by praying to Him: prayers of praise, of confession, of thanksgiving and of need. If you pray all the time, we invite you to pray with us. If you are not comfortable with praying yet, that is ok! Just listen in when we pray and when you feel ready you can pray with us.