A DNA Group usually consists of three people—men with men, women with women—within a particular life group, who meet together regularly to be known and to bring the gospel to bear on each other’s lives so that they grow in and live out their gospel identity. DNA Groups are not about self improvement or one-sided, but God’s unending grace to transform us through the gospel–Jesus’ perfect life, death, and resurrection. (Galatians 1:10; 2 Corinthians 5:21; Colossians 3:16-17)
DNA groups will not be healthy if they:
Are 2 people meeting together (For a season is ok)
Allow the gossip / fixing to drive the conversation
Have more than 5 meeting together (For a season is ok)
Allow one person to control the conversation (Difference between control / revealing)
Break confidentiality
Become or operate as a bible study
DNA groups are groups of 2-4 disciples of Jesus who commit to one another to help each other submit every area of their lives to the lordship of Jesus Christ and believe the Gospel at deeper levels:
• 2-4 people. (3 is best)
• Men with Men / Women with Women (Gender Specific)
• Word / Gospel driven (Fluency is Key)
DNA groups will be healthy if they:
Spend time together regularly (weekly is best but not required)
Allow the word of God to drive their conversation
Pray together regularly
Have fun together often
Maintain confidentiality