Classes will be offered to focus attention on a particular subject (or a group of related subjects) for the purpose of theological discernment or practical application. Due to the wide range of backgrounds of people on a Sunday morning and to the relational environment of a small group or discipleship group, it can prove difficult to adequately communicate deep theological truths or give practical application. This is why classes specifically geared for this can be so effective. Classes give our church body a deep well of theological implications for following Jesus and can act as a way for us to reach our community.
Classes will build community but they are just not primarily designed to do so. Their first purpose is to help participants interact with the Bible or doctrine at the thought level. This means they guard their meeting time for learning activities versus relational ones. Sharing about life, meeting needs, accountability and prayer requests may factor into the schedule, but they don’t dominate. Instead, class time is dedicated primarily to learning. These dedicated learning environments benefit the local church by leveraging teachers, creating a desire to learn and resourcing our people for following and being on mission for Jesus.
If you are ready to join a class or would like more information please contact us.